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Special Offers

Triton Double Cab

While Stocks Last

Triton DC 2.4 GL 4x2 M/T

R7 450*pm

National list price: R529 990

Total cost: R745 297**

Finance Details

Deposit: 0%

Interest rate to client (linked): 12,17%

Period: 72 months

Balloon payment: 0%

Terms and Conditions apply. Monthly instalment excludes the monthly service fees of R69.40 and total cost of credit includes Bank Initiation Fee. Offers apply while stocks last. Interest rate is linked to prime (currently 11.75% as of June 2023) and is accordingly subject to change in the event of a change in prime. Finance scheme offer subject to approval from MFC - a division of Nedbank. An Authorised Financial Services and Registered Credit Provider. NCRCP20.

**Includes banking fees and balloon payment